A working wife and mom with 2 kids who bakes, watches sports, loves Disney and the randomness of life. We love to travel, love living the Wisconsin life, and have fun whenever we can. Come along on our crazy adventures!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy New Year!

I know, you're all thinking I'm off my gourd, it's September, right? Well beginning tonight at sundown, Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) begins a 10-day series of very holy days in the Jewish faith. This begins the year 5772, and while it's not as traditionally festive as the New Year's we've all come to love or hate, there is great celebration in having another year under our belts.

What I love about these days is the philosophy behind them. Between Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), you are responsible for making amends, for "cleaning out your closet" of all the bad things you've done, the people you've hurt, the anger you hold on to. Many people reach out to each other in these days, to try and right the wrongs. As the belief goes, if you do this, you'll be added to the "good" book for the year to come, which, let's face it, who wants to be in the bad book?

There's just such a positive message with this. While traditional New Years has become more about parties and resolutions, I feel like Rosh Hashanah is more about bettering yourself by working with others, working on your relationships, working on your self. I can't think of a better time, as fall approaches, to think about the "death" of all the resentment and anger I hold onto and the "birth" and refreshing of a new year.

So, L'Shana Tova! And may you find peace with yourself and with others...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing a bit more behind this special time of year. I love that there is a time set aside to get right with those around you.
