A working wife and mom with 2 kids who bakes, watches sports, loves Disney and the randomness of life. We love to travel, love living the Wisconsin life, and have fun whenever we can. Come along on our crazy adventures!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Where Have You Been?

I told myself when I got a blog that I needed to maintain it and not slack off. So what have I done over the last couple months? Not maintained my blog and slacked off. But I do have the excuse that I've been really trying to journal more, and I am happy to say that I am indeed journaling regularly. I am also --AHHH--- in the very early phases of ...writing a book. I know, you never knew I was an acutal writer, huh? Fooled you! I did a lot of writing in college and really enjoyed it. I'm venturing into the world of fiction writing for the first time, but I think that the storyline/thought process is going well. Let's see if I stick with it.

I'll hopefully be back in the next couple days with a REAL update, something fun. Something quirky....